Vision for the Future
Building on these foundational components of Shepherdstown’s quality of life, Shepherdstown has a recognized shared vision for the future as one in which the community:
- Embraces its small town character;
- Strives to preserve and protect its historic legacy, both architectural and cultural;
- Welcomes growth that reinforces the historic character of the town;
- Provides a range of housing options that fulfills the needs of its residents;
- Supports a thriving downtown business district that serves the needs of residents;
- Enjoys the presence of a wide range of cultural events and activities;
- Promotes the preservation of critical natural resources;
- Maintains a transportation network that is safe and accessible to all residents;
- Warmly invites visitors to enjoy the historic, cultural and natural resources of the community;
- Provides high quality public services to residents and businesses;
- Works in cooperation with its neighbors and partners in the region to achieve common goals;
- Promotes the long-term of sustainability of the town’s high quality of life;
- Encourages land use patterns that promote a healthy and active living environment;
- Embraces renewable energy initiatives that reduce residents’ dependence on non-sustainable energy sources; and
- Supports locally based business and locally grown food initiatives.