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“The First Wealth is Health” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The Shepherdstown Community prides itself on coming together for the common good. The Covid-19 crisis has renewed its attack upon us. Therefore, it seems imperative that we make effort to thwart this foe. Please vaccinate, if you have not vaccinated, wear a mask indoors. If as Emerson proclaims wealth is health, let us enrich our community through vaccination and mask wearing. We are Shepherdstown.


Be Safe

Mayor Jim Auxer

"The Long History of Mandated Vaccines In The United States"

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Effective Thursday, August 12 at 8am



The pandemic continues to evolve. The numbers in Jefferson County and surrounding areas are increasing. We continue to listen to our faculty, staff, and students, while also taking into consideration, with frustration, the mixed messages from the state capital. We will do what is needed to provide exactly what we have promised our students – a safe, face-to-face, in-person class experience. Equally as important, we will do what we need to do for you, our staff and faculty, to feel safe when you come to work each day.



  • If you have been fully vaccinated, you will have the option of wearing a mask OR teaching behind a clear screen. Your vaccination allows you this choice.
  • If you have already posted your syllabi, these new updates can be addressed during your first meeting with your students. Students will be notified separately and repeatedly about the mask mandate well ahead of the first day of classes.
  • Names of students who do not comply with the mask requirement should be sent to Jake Mellow at
  • Faculty can – and should – enforce the mask policy when meeting with students or other employees in their private offices.


  • If your office provides customer service, you will need to keep your mask on, even if there is a protective screen in your area.
  • Supervisors should hold staff accountable for following the mask mandate, using regular progressive discipline strategies. This is a matter of policy compliance and workplace safety. Compliance with this policy is important for the welfare of the University.
  • Staff can and should enforce the mask policy when meeting with students or other employees in their private offices


The requirement to wear a mask while indoors is subject to the following criteria:

  • Not required while working alone in a closed office assigned to that employee for work and occupied solely by that employee at the time;
  • Not required while working in a laboratory or other setting in which alternative facial protective equipment, which covers the nose and mouth, is utilized;
  • Not required for employees or students who are assigned to live on campus, while inside their individual living quarters;
  • Not required while in a single-occupancy restroom;
  • Not required while eating in a room designated for eating meals and while maintaining reasonable distances from other persons who are also actively eating.
  • Not required while exercising outdoors. When exercising at The Wellness Center, please refer to posted signage with their policies for each area of the facility.



  • What about eating in our campus dining facilities? Wear your mask at all times except while you are eating.
  • How will this requirement be enforced? Students’ names will be sent to the Office of Student Conduct at which time, the coordinator will follow policy for non-compliance. Staff or faculty who are in non-compliance will be addressed by their immediate supervisor, which could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
  • Will students be required to wear masks in the residence halls? Yes, except when in their private room.
  •      Do I need to wear a mask while exercising at The Wellness Center? The Wellness Center will provide masking requirements specific to their facility and the type of exercise being performed.
  • What policies are in place for those who are unvaccinated?

o   Those who are not vaccinated will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test not older than 72 hours prior to the first day of class. Please watch for more information about how to register your test results.

o   Participate in surveillance testing

o   Quarantine if in contact with someone who is COVID positive. ​Please refer to the temporary HR policy as to how leave must be tracked in the event of required quarantine, isolation, or medical appointments.


As the pandemic continues to evolve, so shall we. Shepherd University will base our decisions on facts to provide a safe environment for you — and our entire campus community.



Holly Morgan Frye                          

Vice President for Student Affairs and

Director of Community Relations

Chair of Campus Health Task Force

Shepherd University


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On Tuesday, July 20th at 6:00 P.M., Dr. Keith Alexander, Associate Professor of History at Shepherd University in conjunction with the Shepherdstown Historic Landmarks Commission, will present “The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation Projects: Underlying Principles and Overview.” The discussion, part of the training for Shepherdstown’s continued status as a Certified Local Government, will be free and open to the public, and will take place on the 2nd floor of the Shepherdstown Community Club (War Memorial Building). Beginning with an overview of key developments in historic preservation thought, the talk will then consider each of the Secretary of the Interior’s Ten Standards for Rehabilitation in more detail, including examples of acceptable and unacceptable practices. The talk is intended for anyone who wants to find out more about the role of the HLC and the principles underlying its work.

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On Wednesday, July 14 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. water service may be interrupted in the areas of Rt. 45 from Crossroads Church to 7-11.  This interruption is due to the continued fire hydrant repairs.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Shepherdstown Water Plant at 304-702-2904.

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The Shepherdstown Library (Market House) was struck by a vehicle between 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 4th, and 6 a.m. Monday, July 5th.  The library received immediate attention when the damage was discovered. Both water and power were disconnected and the area surrounding the building was cordoned off for safety.  There is significant damage to the right rear corner and right rear side of the building.  The damage to the rear wall extends to the roofline.  The force pushed out the wall on the right side of the building. Yesterday afternoon the building was assessed. It was recommended the library's rear and right walls should be shored up on the first and second floors inside of the library.  This was completed Monday evening and the building was then secured.  Today the outside wall was shored up for added stability. The insurance company was contacted and provided with reports and photographs of the damage.  The repairs were approved within hours.  SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) was contacted as the Market House is on the historic register so the damage can be documented.  Upon approval of repairs from the insurance company, a firm was contacted to evaluate the damage and provide a plan for the repairs.   The back of the Market House appears to have endured the most serious damage.  The area around the library is taped off including the streets on both sides of the library.  This area will remain closed until repairs are completed.  The sidewalk that runs along the Sweet Shop will be open to pedestrians beginning Friday, July 9th.  The CATF event scheduled for July 9th will be held in the parking lot of the Marinoff Theater at 62 West Campus Drive on Shepherd University Campus.  The Welcome Center will open Friday, July 9th.  The Farmers Market location is being evaluated.  We will provide updates as information is received. Thanks for your patience and understanding.   Mayor Jim Auxer

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Update:  10:54 a.m. 07/07/2021 - The water main break has been repaired.  Water service has been restored.  If you experience cloudy water, please flush until it clears.  There's no need to boil water.  For further information, please call the Shepherdstown Water Department at 304-876-2394.  Thank you for your patience.


A water leak has been discovered on South Princess Street.  Customers in this area may experience an interruption in service as the crew tries to repair the leak.  South Princess Street will be closed from Washington Street to German Street.  Updates will be made as they are received.  For further information, please contact the Shepherdstown Water Department at 304-876-2394.

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The renewal process for parking permits will begin September 1, 2021.  Current parking permits will be valid through September 30, 2021.

We are in the process of resolving some of the parking permit issues.  Current permit holders will receive notice of the changes via email.  Please call 304-876-6036 for further information.

Thank you,

Shepherdstown Police Department

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To the Shepherdstown Community:


Happy 4th of July.

Everyone please enjoy the long-awaited summer and take advantage of Shepherdstown’s upcoming events.  We all have earned this time through our commitment to caring about the safety of others.  This pandemic did not break us but united us as a community.  Thanks to everyone for making Shepherdstown the best place to live in America.

Stay well,

Mayor Jim Auxer