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More people than ever want to give back to their communities.  Recent studies show that volunteering can boost happiness, decrease depression, and help us live longer. Now is the time to help Shepherdstown perhaps it will put a spring in your step, too.


Shepherdstown governance operates through a collaboration between staff, the governing body (Mayor and Town Council), and committees made up of volunteers. It takes dozens of people to fill the committees and make everything work smoothly.  Town volunteers have confidence in our small town as a wonderful place to live and know that many hands make light work.


According to town recorder, Lori Robertson, “I got involved because I was interested in town issues.  Then I realized how things really work and I understood how important it is to step up”.


You are invited to share your time for the betterment of Shepherdstown – there are several opportunities available immediately.  Vacancies exist on the Planning Commission, and Historic Landmarks Commission. The town needs to build capacity on the Tree Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee so future vacancies can be filled quickly. Terms of volunteer service are typically 3 years or less, and meetings occur once a month, usually in the evenings.


Some of the tangible benefits you get by serving on a committee or town council:


  • Social connections and building bonds with others who care about town
  • Inside knowledge on town’s current issues
  • Gain work experience
  • An opportunity for your unique talents to make a difference
  • A deep sense of satisfaction when you step up to help with solutions, rather than just complaining from the sidelines.


"Community - that unique sense of place - doesn't just happen!” Active volunteer and councilman Dave Springer remarks, “Shepherdstown is blessed with a unique character and diverse residents. Whatever it is you enjoy about this community - it is largely shaped by the decisions of involved volunteers”.


Volunteering can improve the town, and maybe even you. Contact Town Hall today at 304-876-2398 to learn more.

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Shepherdstown is facing many crucial decision points in the near future, especially around issues such as growth and development, parking solutions, and downtown business health.  A strong and diverse Town Council is necessary.  Consider if this is the time for you to take your turn at the helm.


The June 3rd, 2014 Shepherdstown election will be conducted to fill the seats of Mayor, Recorder and five Council Members, all of which are two year terms. Candidates must file a notarized Certificate of Announcement and turn it in to Town Hall between March 3 and March 14, 2014.  Candidates must fulfill the eligibility requirements for voter registration and be a resident of the Corporation of Shepherdstown.


Town Council members attend a monthly meeting to consider public input and vote on decisions, and must also participate in at least two town committees. Meetings are generally held in the evenings and readily accommodate a working person’s schedule.


Instructions for filing candidacy and the full election schedule can be found at the town’s website:  You are also invited to contact the town clerk at 304-876-2398 for more information.

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The Shepherdstown Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, January 20, 2014 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall located at 104 North King Street. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the Michael Patrick Bean Petition for Annexation.  Mr. Bean petitions the Corporation of Shepherdstown to annex two (2) contiguous parcels of real estate containing 0.87acre located on East Washington Street (extended) Street in Shepherdstown Magisterial District and contiguous with municipal boundary of the Corporation of Shepherdstown.  The property is identified on Jefferson County Tax Map 8-B, Plat Book 7, Page 28) as follows:  First Outsale Parcel 108 (containing 0.702 acrea);  Residue Parcel 109 (containing 0.168 acre).

Written comments can be submitted to:

Town Hall via US Postal Service

P.O. Box 248

Shepherdstown, WV 25443

e-mailed to:

hand delivered to: 104 North King Street, Shepherdstown


Written comments should be submitted by 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 17 to allow presentation to the Planning Commission in a timely manner.


Amy L. Boyd, Town Clerk,

Corporation of Shepherdstown

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This is a reminder to all citizens within the corporate limits regarding removal of snow and ice.  The Town has a number of elderly and young residents and tourists who may be open to injury if the snow removal policy is not followed.  It should be noted that the Town Ordinance Section 11-407 “Prohibited accumulation of snow, ice and debris on sidewalks and removal thereof by Town at expense of property owners” will be actively enforced for the benefit of all.



Section 11-407 Prohibited accumulations of snow, ice and debris on sidewalks and removal thereof by town at expense of property owners


(a)             “No person shall permit the accumulation of snow or ice upon the sidewalk adjacent to any property owned or occupied by him within the town, but shall remove the same within a reasonable time not later than 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. each day that snow or ice accumulates thereon.

(b)             No person shall permit the accumulation of trash, debris or anything unsanitary upon the sidewalk adjacent to any property owned or occupied by him within the town, or within five feet of any such sidewalk.

(c)              Upon the accumulation of any snow, ice or debris upon any sidewalk or within five feet of any sidewalk in violation of this section the town, if the owner or occupant of the adjacent property fails to do so upon notice, may remove such snow, ice or debris and the expense of such removal shall be charged to the owner of such adjacent property and shall constitute a lien upon such property.”



Arthur J. Auxer III, Mayor

Corporation of Shepherdstown

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Let YOUR VOICE be heard!

Shepherdstown Kicks Off Public Input Activities


The Corporation of Shepherdstown has begun the process of preparing an update to its Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2001. Part of the process to formulate the updated plan is to incorporate the voice of town residents.  The month of November begins this process with a number of activities that are focused on engaging the public and receiving feedback on the topics covered by the plan.  Town Councilman David Rosen, who serves as Chairman of the Comprehensive Plan Committee, commented “We are excited about this unique opportunity to hear from the community and work together to establish a long-term plan.”

The Comprehensive Plan is intended to provide guidance to Shepherdstown’s elected and appointed officials who will utilize the comprehensive plan to make decisions regarding the future of the Town.  Topics covered in the Comprehensive Plan include the following: land use, infrastructure, transportation, historic preservation, conservation, recreation and economic development. The updated plan will establish meaningful and achievable goals, as well as strategies and policies for the implementation of the plan. The planning process will be completed by June 2014.

“A strong community voice helps to ensure a strong comprehensive plan and we are looking forward to creating that vision as a community.”, stated Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer. There will be several opportunities throughout the process for Shepherdstown’s residents to be involved, helping to ensure that the update to the Comprehensive Plan is representative of the community’s vision for the Town.

  • Get Involved!    The Comprehensive Plan Committee wants to hear from you.
  • Take the survey now on the Town’s website at:
  • Attend the public meeting at 6:30PM, November 21st at the Community Club on 102 East German Street (War Memorial Building)

Stay Informed!    Learn about project news, updates, and events throughout the project process by visiting the Town’s website and clicking on the Comprehensive Plan Committee page.

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Rumsey Green Annexation Request

Update:  11/05/2012 - A special Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a draft regulatory plan and code for the Rumsey Green Annexation request from PlaceMakers.

At the Planning Commission Special Meeting of July 18, 2012:  PlaceMakers (planning consultants working for Shepherdstown) made their report to the Planning Commission on the Rumsey Green Annexation request.  There were a number of residents and interested parties present.  The Planning Commission recognized the significance of the Request and opted to provide the following materials regarding the annexation request to all members of the community through the Town’s web site:

1)    The recording of the 7-18-12 report presentation, questions, comments, and discussion, (currently unavailable)

2)    A pdf version of the PowerPoint slide presentation, and

3)    Approved minutes summarizing the proceedings – with entries numbered to correspond to the PowerPoint slides.

(By using the three sets of materials together, it is possible to get a reasonable approximation of what transpired during the Special Meeting.)

Also posted is a copy of the Town’s Annexation Policy for reference.  PlaceMakers’ report to the Planning Commission was part of the preparation for the public hearing required in Step #4 of the Annexation Procedures (described on page 4 of the Policy).  Other information about the status of the Rumsey Green annexation request can be determined by reviewing the recording (#1 above) and the minutes (#3 above).

The Planning Commission has scheduled discussion of the process at future meetings.  Please check posted agendas.

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The Corporation of Shepherdstown utilizes the Calling Post Program to notify its water customers of water outages as well other similar emergencies.  This service provides notification, via phone, e-mail and text, of potential water outages as well as any other similar emergencies.  To make this service a success, it is necessary to gather contact information from each water customer.  Typically, the information is gathered when the customer signs up for water service.  If you are a water customer and have not signed up or need to update your contact information, please take the time to do so now.  Simply complete the attached form and return to Town Hall.


The Corporation of Shepherdstown is making every effort to keep our community informed during water outages or other similar emergencies.  We also use our website and Facebook Page as additional means of notifying and giving status updates to our customers.